Thursday, October 07, 2004

Piggy Spunk

Just when I thought I'd heard and seen it all, something still can set my mouth agape. I'm pretty liberal (by the way, register 2 vote if u haven't ... you're running out of time!!) , but still it astounds me the new lows that television and film will sometimes stoop to. This just in from the imdb:

Pig Masturbation Scene Arouses U.K. Audience
A storm of criticism has arisen in Britain over a 10-minute sequence of the Channel 5 reality series The Farm, in which one of the show's participants was seen masturbating a pig, then collecting about 3/4 of a pint of semen in a flask to be used for inseminating sows. The show's participant was Rebecca Loos, soccer star David Beckham's alleged ex-lover. Today's Guardian newspaper cited some typical viewer reaction: "It was just vile. It was probably the worst thing I have seen on TV. I just couldn't believe it was on television." Another: "Are there not laws against this kind of thing." The channel said that it was merely depicting a normal part of life on a farm.

A normal part of life? Does that shit really happen on a farm? If so, we don't need 2 see it! What were they thinking?? And yet I'll get flack 4 being a big homo!

So, if u had a choice would u rather see 2 men kissing or some farm girl jacking a pig off and collecting the spunk. YUCK!

That's my rant 4 the week, kiddies.

I feel motivated 2 make positive changes 2day.



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